This pretty much sums up my feelings on a number of fronts tonight: BYU, riding my bikes and John McCain.
The only reason I can come up with to explain BYU's 32 - 7 loss at TCU tonight is that they were massively overrated and in no way deserved to be #8 in the nation. In other words, the fans were destined for a letdown as the team obviously didn't have the talent and ability to meet the expectations of a top 10 ranking.
My riding has been hit or miss for the past month with the misses out scoring the hits by at least a 2:1 margin. I blame this on two things: Work and a lack of daylight. With regards to work, I know I should be grateful to have a stable job given the current economic situation. And I am, don't get me wrong. However, that doesn't make my 3 hour weeks (referring to bike hours and not work hours!) any easier to accept. I did get out for my first night ride in Corner Canyon on Tuesday which was a ton of fun. Riding the single speed made it even more enjoyable. Today I rode pavement from the office to the zoo where I jumped on the shoreline trail for a nice ride to the mouth of Dry Creek followed by a quick descent through the Avenues back to work. Tomorrow I'm heading to the radio towers above City Creek. Three rides and a little under 4 hours. This week I should manage 5-6 hours thanks to the nice weather forecast for Saturday. I'm no cross racer so when the weekend delivers rain, snow and/or freezing temperatures I head to the gym.
I'm not even going to start talking about how disappointed I am in the McCain-Palin ticket. Perhaps I suffer from Bush-induced fatigue but seriously, why can't the Republican party come up with a candidate that can speak? Surely there must be an articulate person out there somewhere?!
Problems I Want to Work On
Last night's storm period was one that I really enjoyed simply because it
shows how remarkably variable snowfall can be in the central Wasatch. As
9 hours ago
I've been on two wheels 4 times since LOTOJA.
i rode to the post office a few times
Thats why I've been loving on cross so much. I've still been riding almost as much now as I did in mid-summer. Once you ride once in the rain/snow with temps in the 30's you realize it's not really that bad. Probably only 1/10th as bad as it sounds. And honestly the running is only like 10 feet per lap for 4-5 laps. I'm sure your knee would be fine.
As for the republicans I think the Neo-Cons have turned the party so far away from it's core values of fiscal responsibility and small government that they have ruined it. Maybe this election will show the party chiefs the error of their ways so they can turn things around.
perfect weekend to get your cross on. I got a cowbell you can borrow
At least come cheer at the cross races.
Also I called the Waaaabulance, it should be there shortly.
I prefer a deaf mute over a salesman any day.
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