I had a great morning at Brighton shredding the white stuff with Fox, who seems to descend on skis just as fast as he does on a bike. The only bummer of the session was realizing, on my first run, after riding up the new Milly Express lift, that my current skis (10 year old 191cm Rossignol Rebels) don't work very well in powder. Of course, some of that may be due to my lack of skills, but since I seem to be one of the only guys still using "skinny" skis, I think it's time to close my ten year equipment gap and buy some new sticks. I'd rate myself a decent intermediate skier with aspirations to get much better. I don't, however, see myself doing any backcountry skiing in the near future so keep that in mind.
I know you've heard my recommendations, but I'll put them up here so other readers can weigh in on them:
Salomon Gun
Line Prophet 100
Rossi Scratch BC
Look for something in the 95-100 underfoot range. A little more sidecut is probably good, as it will turn more easily and since you don't ski as fast as Jeremy Nobis, you don't need a fat, stiff, straight ski.
The Rossi and Salomon are both foam cores and on the soft side, so they're more forgiving. The Line is wood core and a bit stiffer, but easy to ski from what I've heard.
I'd look for a 177-185 length, though all of these are twin tips, so they'll ski shorter than their nominal length, meaning you can get something in the mid 180's and not end up with too much ski.
Would love to hear others weigh in.
160cm snowboard. Rides pow great!
I have skied both the Scratch BC and the GUN and love both. Very easy skis with a lot of give.
I am currently enjoying the Bluehouse MR which is a similar ski but has a bamboo core making it light but with tons of pop.
I have a 181 MR with demo bindings and a 175 salomon FOIL with demo bindings that you are welcome to try anytine.
Whu no earn your turns?
I would demo a few different skis and see what you like, it's all personal preference much like picking a bike.
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