Dang that race hurts. I had bad legs all week, to the point where I wondered if I'd even be able to drag myself to Brighton on Saturday. Luckily I was able to make it to the top, though not in record time. Regardless of my final placing (34th out of 47 Cat 5 starters) it certainly was a good workout as my average heart rate for the 1 hour and 28 minutes was 175 bpm.
I rode to the start and cut it way too close thanks in no part to a flat rear tire before I even pulled out of the garage. Not wanting to take the time to put in a new tube, I grabbed the rear wheel from my wife's bike. It probably looked a bit funny to pair a Ksyrium ES (front) with an SL (rear) but it enabled me to stick to the plan of warming up on my way to the race. Speaking of which, my warm-up turned into a mini race of sorts the last 10 minutes thanks to a few wrong turns on the way which saw me roll into the parking lot of the Porcupine Grill not more than 2 minutes before the start.
I'd been advised to stay out of the red on the steeper sections and hammer the flats. It seemed that I was passed by the entire group as we approached Storm Mountain but I resisted the urge to go full gas and kept the pace sustainable. As we finished the steep climb I upshifted two cogs and quickly passed 10-12 racers who gone too hard and blown. I repeated this process for the remainder of the race, passing more people each time the grade eased up. Traffic was pretty crazy as I approached Solitude and for a while it felt like I was riding through the caravan of support vehicles at the Tour. Thankfully the motorists were patient and didn't give me any trouble. In fact, a few of the cars were carrying mountain bikes and the drivers shouted "Go Revolution!" as I was wearing my team kit. That was cool and much appreciated. At the time I probably would have gladly traded them places as riding the Wasatch Crest seemed a better and more enjoyable way to spend a Saturday morning than racing to Brighton!
On a totally different subject, I added a DVR to my Comcast package on Friday and LOVE it. I can now watch 3 hours of Tour de France coverage in a little over 1 hour thanks to the ability to fast forward through commercials and dull commentary/racing.
Why would anyone want to waste time watching the Tour De Farce?
ya.. it took me an hour and a half as well. thats why i cant ride with you anymore.
I looked for you, must have been the late start.
The Comcast DVR works well, I was worried about HD content, but it records it perfectly along with the 5.1 surround. Sweet!
When can I pick up my copy of TDF for winter riding?
You're ready for an UPGRADE!
Nice job on finishing. I've got a lot of climbing to do in the next six weeks. I kinda wish I had done this one, but my kid and her Saturday morning surpise kept me from doing anything.
That cop car wasn't the "sag vehicle" was it?
You are for fortunate that you don't have to live in Kansas and drive 100's of miles to a reasonable climb.
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