Saturday, February 23, 2008

Team Ride

I met a few more members of the Revolution team this morning at the shop where we hung out for a bit, eating bagels, until the handful of us that were riding determined that the rain had stopped and ventured out. I rode to the shop from home so had about 40 minutes in the bag when we started, we did about 1:10 together, and I rode home for a total of 2:30. I was rolling the mountain bike on the pavement and funny enough, today's ride nearly equaled my all time high as far as mtb mileage goes. Riding the road, on a mountain bike, is definitely quicker than riding the same distance on the dirt as this today's ride was about 2 hours faster than my long ride on Mid-Mountain last summer.


Anonymous said...

how many miles was that?

i only got 15 in today because my litte monkies had me tied up all morning.

Team Rico said...

Was everyone on phat tires? If so I am ready to join.

StupidBike said...

ohhh yeaahhh fat tires fer sure, 1/2 of shannifer was on a CX bike though.

UtRider said...

I ended up with about 35 miles but for me the distance doesn't really mean much as I work in terms of hours.

We had all big tires except for Jen Boffeli who was rolling a cross bike.