It's been a long time since I've ridden my road bike outside. Today served up a perfect storm of sorts: Normal temperatures and no snow/rain. That doesn't sound too exciting until you remember that so far this winter normal temperatures have generally only occurred during the "warm before the storm" which, in other words, means they come as a package deal with 20+ mph winds. Basically what I'm trying to say is that today was a nice day to ride a bike outside and it's been a while since we've had a nice day where you could ride a bike outside. I should also note that when I say "nice day to ride a bike outside" I am defining this as a normal person would as opposed to somebody like Bart who believes that every day, regardless of temperature, weather or how much daylight is remaining, is a good day to ride a bike outside!
So to take full advantage of this rare opportunity I drove south to Payson where I rode for 2 hours and 42 minutes. What's nice about riding in south Utah County is that it took me about 2 hours and 44 minutes to ride 2 hours and 42 minutes. Think about that for a minute. Yes, I did stop at 1 light leaving town and another light when I returned but other than that it was pretty much all continuous forward motion (the only exceptions being a bathroom break and a quick stop to say hello to a friend). Sometimes I wish we'd never moved. However, the drive home provides a nice reminder of why we live in SL County. Yeah, Payson is a long ways from downtown SLC! Anyway, it was fun to cruise some of the old familiar roads and even to be chased by the same dogs. Most of the ride I was with my former neighbor Matt but when he returned home for his son's birthday party I kept it rolling for another 45 minutes to finish up my hours for the week.
It should be noted that I am available and willing to guide any big city cyclist looking to experience the roads of south Utah County. All I ask is that you provide a good wheel to draft and a cold chocolate milk after the ride. Though, if we ride long enough, I may also require a can of Coca Cola midway through the ride.
I should also note that we passed a group of Who's Your Daddy riders in Benjamin heading in the opposite direction looking quite serious. I wonder if they rode down from SLC?
Finally, I didn't see RB which was a huge disappointment. Hopefully my luck will be better next time...
Winter Begins (LOL)
We really haven't had much of a winter this year in the Salt Lake Valley.
Snow has been scant (only 12.7" through yesterday, the 3rd lowest on record
19 hours ago
I hate you
That wasn't a very nice thing to say.
If you come with me next time there will be no need for hate, only love.
JE is headed to Cali soon - then who will hate who? ;-)
Speaking of love, I did wave. You just didn't see me in the sea of orange. And thanks for the invite! :)
Yeah, you guys had some serious orange kit going on! Were you really in the group? We should carpool down next time.
you know my hate is really just jealousy.
I'd have loved to ride with you yesterday, but I was in the Oval for eight hours watching crits on ice
We weren't too serious. But would have loved to have more company. I will have the MT Biker ring you up next time we head down there.
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