Monday, August 27, 2007

Bike Commute Day 5

Just a one-way commute in to work this morning. I've been laying low the past 3 days, taking it easy, napping and catching up on some odd jobs around the house. I was surprised how tired I was after Little Cottonwood and Butterfield last week so decided to play it safe and recover. Work is pretty stressful right now too as we prepare our final release of '07 for deployment this fall.

Looks like Millcreek is on the menu for tomorrow evening. I was going to ride City Creek (can you believe I've never been all the way up?) until I learned that bikes are only allowed on odd-numbered days.


Forrest said...

Working sucks!

Piotrek said...

Well, I guess I won't be able to join you tomorrow after all. BTW, City Creek is awesome now that they fixed the potholes.

B-Horn said...

Your beverages have been delivered! Thanks for your patience with this matter... sorry I missed you, I washed my hair, shaved and everything to make myself somewhat presentable, oh yeah I wore my shoes too.