Ripped around on the BST after work yesterday for 3 hours. I from the office, logging a few extra miles before meeting Kris at the trail across from the zoo. Kris tried to make up for a relative lack of mechanicals last year by fixing a flat, rear deraileur and broken chain - all before we reached the gate! Luckily he had a chain tool and quick link which made for a quick repair. At that point I remarked that his shock would probably blow next but thankfully his bike held together and we finished the ride incident free.
There were a ton of people out on the trail. Up Dry Creek, just after we flipped a U-turn to avoid the mud, we saw KDay and the MTB Monday group heading up, chased by Fox who was definitely NOT pushing just 125 watts! Later we ran into Bob who was breaking in some sweet new 4-ti Eggbeaters. Kris snapped the below picture (the only pic of the ride).
This afternoon I'm meeting JE at Subway in the International Center for a ride to the Marina. If you want to join us we're meeting at 4 pm.
A Rare January Great Salt Lake Dust Event
The sun had not yet crested the Wasatch this morning when I awoke and when
I looked out the window I saw this odd band of white extending at low
levels t...
1 day ago
1 comment:
I'm very glad to hear your legs will be toast. I might, just might, be able to keep up with you.
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