So I was planning to take a few days off after my efforts of last week. However, my body decided to force the issue and I woke up Sunday with a sore throat. I say sore throat but the pain is behind my tonsils and not really in my throat. Anyway, yesterday I felt like total crap with body aches & chills. Today, luckily, I am starting to feel much better. So my question is this: Since I was going to take a few days off the bike anyway, do my "sick days" count as "rest days" or should I take a few additional days off? Of course, if the weather forecast for Wednesday and Thursday is accurate I probably won't be riding until Friday anyway...
Given that I pretty much suck at climbing, would East Canyon and/or Buffalo Stampede be a waste of my time & money? I am inclined to say yes, but since I've never actually ridden either of the courses I thought I'd ask the question.
Good News for Skier and Water Managers
A spectacular early March weekend is now in the books. For skiers and
water managers, March is an important month. The spigot can stay open,
extending ...
14 hours ago
Skip the Buffalo Stampede and do the 5-mile pass ICUP race.
Neither are pure climbing races. Any Cat. 2 worth his mustard should be there. Neither are hill top finishes either. Be there!
Well, how about a Cat 5 who definitely isn't worth his mustard? :)
Being sick is not resting.
Your body is working hard to get get better and not on recovering from training. Take more days off or at least easy.
Coach Turbo
Buffalo is mostly small hills that you can get over pretty quick. The wind is usually a bigger factor the the hills. East Canyon is more oriented toward climbers (though not a true "climber's race"). If I were choosing one as my first race, I'd take Buffalo because I think it is an easier course. Buffalo is also fun because it is a circuit race and the wife and kids can watch you go around (thus making it a "family event" -- which we all know is important!).
Man, you get sick a lot. Are you sure there isn't something else going on? Are you taking your vitamins?
Actually I'm not doing too bad. Last year I had 2 bad colds in the spring vs 1 in 2007. I was unlucky to pick up a stomach bug from the kids last month but overall I've been generally healthy.
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